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Nerūdijančio plieno baldai
About companyPlieno Baldai
Metal Brothers Ltd. Manufactures stainless steel furniture for profesional kitchens.The main production is devoted to profesional kitchens, grosery stores and supermarkets. Modern management, advanced production techniques, quality control, has led to the expansion of our sales market and, ultimately, the rapid growth ot our company. We use only sertified materials and components from renowned and certified manufacturers in Europe and the world. Qualified personnel ensures prompt and high-quality manufacturing process.The main purpose of our company is to produce high quality products, that meets safety and hygiene requirements, to offer best prices and become the segment leader.
Tables of stainless steel
Tables with sinks
Stands for various kitchen appliances
maisto pramonės įranga, gamyba, pramoniniai stalai, specialios paskirties stalai,stovai, prekybiniai stalai, stelažai, spintelės, indų plovimo įranga, gartraukiai, baro įranga, rankplovės, serviravimo vežimėliai, surenkami vežimėliai, nerūdijančio plieno gaminiai, nestandartiniai metalo gaminiai, Maisto pramonės įrengimai, Metalo gaminiai ir konstrukcijos, Prekybos įranga, Restoranų ir kavinių įranga. nerudyjančio plieno stalai, baldai
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